As the days to the season finale are getting closer i get more and more excited about it.Even thought i'm sad because of the long hiatus of the american television i can't wait to see what's next even if i have to be patient for at least 4 months until the next season.
I can't help but put out my thoughts,believes and expectations of the season finale.
One of the biggest questions is :who will Elena choose?will she choose Stefan?the supposed love of her life,the one she's been in love with throughout the 3 seasons and that is used to loving,waiting to come back and finally live their happy ever after?or will she choose Damon?their "relatioship",if i could call what they have a relatioship is still growing.Even though she isn't sure what she wants we saw passion between them and even though she is scared to lose one of them at some point she's gonna have to make that choice.So,what will she choose?something more certain?something she is used to having?(and truth be told,i'm a bit bored of that,i'd like to see something more intresting and another relationship with Stefan wouldn't be all that intresting.)or will she choose the uncertain hands of a guy who'd risk everything for her,as well as Stefan did,but in different ways,more dangerous,more crazy.In my opinion i want her to choose Damon.We've seen enough of the Elena+Stefan=L.F.E and i would like to extract the "for ever" part of the equation.Now i'd like to add another equation to solve the same problem,Elena's love life, using Elena+Damon=L.F.E. That would be more intriguing.I wouldn't know what to expect from that relatioship,because Damon is way different from his brother and in my opinion they look better together...
Another big question that comes as a result of the previous is even if she chooses one of them will the other one actually leave the city and never come back?I guess this is going to be answered soon,or maybe not so soon.But either way i'm seating on the edge of my seat.
Now,my thoughts come to our newborn vampire slayer.What's next for him?will they manage to dessicate him as planed?If they did it then they'd live happily ever after with no Klaus and no vampire-Alaric hunting down to kill the originals therefor every vampire alive.If not then maybe Alaric will be the villain of season 4!He sure as heck try to fing Klaus,even if he's locked in a coffin and sunk into the ocean,just to make sure he won't ever come back and turn anyone else.Another absolute fact about Alaric is that he will protect Elena no matter what,since they're connected.If Elena dies,he dies therefor his mission won't be acomplished.
I don't think Klaus will make an appearance for a while..and even though i love his style,his looks and everything Klaus i think it's gonna be better if he's off for a while.There's so much the audiance can handle and a gazillion vilains in one tv series might be intriguing but at some point i think it gets tiring.
As for Rebekah,her i wanna see again.Even though it's dangerous for her to be around with Alaric hunting her,i would enjoy her company.You see,i think she's a bit misunderstood.She might be mean and bitchy and all that but can you blame her?she was nutralized by her brother for so many years.The dame brother who killed their mother and betrayed Rebekah without much thinking.She's scared,i won't say for life but for eternity.Now that we have begun to see her sensitive side,her caring side it would be a shame if she wasn't around any longer.
And there is also Jeremy.Will he accept his vampire-hating legacy?What could he do to protect the only familly he's got left?and what about Bonnie and him?is there a chance of getting back together?So many questions.
Kathrine...hmm i don't think she will be around in the near future.Or maybe if she finds out about the dessicated Klaus she might come around to torture the brothers a bit more.I must say that i've missed her.Even though we have maaany bad guys she is special.She has her own ways to make things more intresting.With that bitchy attitude and eccentric looks and actions she adds some spice to the show.Let's just hope to see her again soon.
As i've recently read there will probably be a death on the show.My thoughts went (with much sadness) straight to Damon.That because in the 3rd book he dies.But i wouldn't like to see that on the show for countless reasons that i better not mention right now.Then..there's Jeremy,whom i wish won't sacrifice his life for his sister or won't be a part of Alarics conniving evil plans and turn out dead.Matt also could be the one.He's human,he could be easily be traped and he's a weak link.He's part isn't all that important,the show could go on without him.But in my opinion also there are high possibilities that now that Alaric has revealed Carolines secret she will be slattered by the council.
I can't help but put out my thoughts,believes and expectations of the season finale.

Another big question that comes as a result of the previous is even if she chooses one of them will the other one actually leave the city and never come back?I guess this is going to be answered soon,or maybe not so soon.But either way i'm seating on the edge of my seat.
Now,my thoughts come to our newborn vampire slayer.What's next for him?will they manage to dessicate him as planed?If they did it then they'd live happily ever after with no Klaus and no vampire-Alaric hunting down to kill the originals therefor every vampire alive.If not then maybe Alaric will be the villain of season 4!He sure as heck try to fing Klaus,even if he's locked in a coffin and sunk into the ocean,just to make sure he won't ever come back and turn anyone else.Another absolute fact about Alaric is that he will protect Elena no matter what,since they're connected.If Elena dies,he dies therefor his mission won't be acomplished.

As for Rebekah,her i wanna see again.Even though it's dangerous for her to be around with Alaric hunting her,i would enjoy her company.You see,i think she's a bit misunderstood.She might be mean and bitchy and all that but can you blame her?she was nutralized by her brother for so many years.The dame brother who killed their mother and betrayed Rebekah without much thinking.She's scared,i won't say for life but for eternity.Now that we have begun to see her sensitive side,her caring side it would be a shame if she wasn't around any longer.
And there is also Jeremy.Will he accept his vampire-hating legacy?What could he do to protect the only familly he's got left?and what about Bonnie and him?is there a chance of getting back together?So many questions.
Kathrine...hmm i don't think she will be around in the near future.Or maybe if she finds out about the dessicated Klaus she might come around to torture the brothers a bit more.I must say that i've missed her.Even though we have maaany bad guys she is special.She has her own ways to make things more intresting.With that bitchy attitude and eccentric looks and actions she adds some spice to the show.Let's just hope to see her again soon.

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