When we first met her,she was a heartbroken 17-year-old girl who had recently lost both her parents,was dating her childhood love,Matt,and now lived with her aunt Jenna and her in a way disturbed little brother Jeremy.When she met Stefan she found again happiness in her life.She started acting again like a girl her age again.Then she found out that vampires and witches exist and not only do they exist she also hungs out with them.She first found out and then Stefan also told her he was a vampire and then her best friend Bonnie told her she had found out she was a witch.
Elena and Stafan |
After that her life became a lot more different.Damon(Stefan's older brother and a vampire also) was in town.Manipulating Caroline and feeding on her.Elena found out that she looked exactly like Stefan and Damon's old love,Kathrine.She also found out she was adopted and that her similarity with Kathrine was not a random thing.They were distant relatives and Elena was Katherine's doppelganger.That fact changed her life in many aspects.
Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova |
Katherine came in town to make her and Salvatore's lives a living hell.She killed many at her pass.Turned Caroline into a vampire to pass her evil messages.Appeared as Elena to her friends and boyfriend.Kiss Damon as Elena.Cut John Gilbert's (Elena's biological father)fingers.Tortured Jenna(Elena's aunt and guardian) and pobably did much more things that a human mind cannot recall.
Jenna |
Elena's life especially changed when an original vampire,Klaus,came in town hoping to make her he's moving blood-bank.Because of her blood,Elena was what they call "the Petrova Doppelganger".She was the only living descendant of the Petrova blood-line,the blood-line by which the Original Vampires were created.Klaus was a very special vampire,despite the fact that he was an Original he also was a hybrid(half vampire/half warewolf) and to trigure his warewolf side and create more hybrids he needed the Petrova Doppelganger therefore Elena.To create his hybrid army he had to do a retual with the help of a witch and make a vampire sacrifice and also kill the Doppelganger and drink her blood.The vampire sacrifice was Jenna,who he had turned earlier.
While Klaus had taken Stefan as hostage,in oredr to release Damon and had turned him into the ripper he was(He was called that because he used to brutaly kill his victims back in early 1900's),after that the whole original familia had come in town,original mother's tries to kill all her children to destroy the abomination she had created Elena fell for Damon.And there goes the 1864 love story again.(It's got to be in their blood to fall for both Salvatore's and of course in the Salvatore's blood also to fall for Petrova's,i can't explain it any other way ).
Elena and Damon |
At some point Stefan realizes the mistakes he'd made.Letting Elena go and literally throughing her at the lap of his brother.But he also realizes that she actually has feelings for him.He encurages her to find out about her unresolved feeling for Damon on a trip they'd go together to get Jeremy,who by then was off town.So she did.She kissed Damon and something tells me that if it wasn't for Jeremy's interuption kissing wouldn't be the only thing they'd be doing.
So,there she was.In a veery similar possition as Kathrine was in 1864,but not by choise as Kat was.She had to choose one of them,but was afraid because she knew that once she'd chose she'd lose the other.Just at the point she had made up her decision,without any warning or any sign due to a car accident caused by Rebekah(Klaus' sister) she and Matt who wa driving the car drove out the bridge and into the river,at the very point where her parents had died.So did she...the only difference is that SHE CAME BACK.
In memory of the human Elena Gilbert.May we now enjoy her as a vampire for the rest of the show.
A future blooms... |