In the first season we see Elena as a teenage girl who recently lost her parents.She's in a very volnurable possision.She hangs out with her friends Bonnie and Caroline.She now lives with her brother Jeremy and their chaperone is their aunt Jenna.
She feels guitly about her paretns death,since she was in the car(her parents died in a car accident) but somehow she got to survive it.She breaks up with her boyfriend Matt and wants to be alone for a while...
When the mystirious hot guy comes to school.His name was Stefan.When she met him she became even more atracted to him when at last she fell for him..little did she know until then about who he really was and about what he really was...
In season 2 we see her a bit different..She's grown up a bit.In one minute from a teenage girl that new nothing about anything supernatural she became a girl who was in a realationship with a vampire who had an ex identical to her(Kathrine) and a crazy,bad ass vampire brother...Her best friend Bonnie is a witch with centuries of history on her back and powerful magic on her hands and her other friend Caroline was turned into a vampire.She found out she is adopted and that her biological mother,Isobel,is also a vampire now adays.Also,she now has to face Kathrine who came back after beeing gone for so long to torture a bit the Salvatore brothers and of course Elena..And as an addition to that there comes an origina vampire wanting her.
In season 3 we see an Elena that has grown up a lot.She is more mature now.She's lost her aunt an now lives with Alaric,her history teacher who was also her aunt's boyfriend and with her littler brother.She's lost Stefan because he went in a killing spree with Klaus(an original vampire).Now her life has become even more complicated.She has more stuff to handle.More decitions to make.She also falls for Damon,who's in love with her,but she seems to be a bit ignorant to that.Or maybe she is just tring to defy her feelings because she might think that she can't be in love with both the Salvatore brothers and that she can't be like Kathrine...
The Elena i see in season 3 so far is my favourite part of her.She's strong and is becoming a bit more hardcore,if i can say that.
A photo of a very characteristic scene on season 1.Elena at the Mystic Falls graveyard.One of the first times she saw Stafan...
Elena &Stefan

Elena & Damon
She feels guitly about her paretns death,since she was in the car(her parents died in a car accident) but somehow she got to survive it.She breaks up with her boyfriend Matt and wants to be alone for a while...
When the mystirious hot guy comes to school.His name was Stefan.When she met him she became even more atracted to him when at last she fell for him..little did she know until then about who he really was and about what he really was...
In season 2 we see her a bit different..She's grown up a bit.In one minute from a teenage girl that new nothing about anything supernatural she became a girl who was in a realationship with a vampire who had an ex identical to her(Kathrine) and a crazy,bad ass vampire brother...Her best friend Bonnie is a witch with centuries of history on her back and powerful magic on her hands and her other friend Caroline was turned into a vampire.She found out she is adopted and that her biological mother,Isobel,is also a vampire now adays.Also,she now has to face Kathrine who came back after beeing gone for so long to torture a bit the Salvatore brothers and of course Elena..And as an addition to that there comes an origina vampire wanting her.
In season 3 we see an Elena that has grown up a lot.She is more mature now.She's lost her aunt an now lives with Alaric,her history teacher who was also her aunt's boyfriend and with her littler brother.She's lost Stefan because he went in a killing spree with Klaus(an original vampire).Now her life has become even more complicated.She has more stuff to handle.More decitions to make.She also falls for Damon,who's in love with her,but she seems to be a bit ignorant to that.Or maybe she is just tring to defy her feelings because she might think that she can't be in love with both the Salvatore brothers and that she can't be like Kathrine...
The Elena i see in season 3 so far is my favourite part of her.She's strong and is becoming a bit more hardcore,if i can say that.
A photo of a very characteristic scene on season 1.Elena at the Mystic Falls graveyard.One of the first times she saw Stafan...
Elena &Stefan

Elena & Damon
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